Medford Cemetery Associates, Inc., 25 Fostertown Road, Block 302//Lots 27, 28 & 39.01 PBC-525 RESOLUTION 2021-27 Approval of Use Variance and granting of Minor Subdivision to subdivide Lot 28 into two lots; Lot B containing 38.362 acres and Lot C containing 40.958 acres. Use Variance approvals to permit a cemetery on Lot B whereby a cemetery is not a permitted use within the AR Zone. A mausoleum building for proposed Lot B was granted Variance relief as there is not street/roadway frontage. Bulk Variances were granted for Lot Frontage 200’ is required, 0’ is provided; Lot Width 200’ is required, 0’ is provided; Lot Depth 300’ is required, 0’ is provided; minimum 75’ front yard buffer for proposed lot B, the northern property line is the front yard, setback 5.5’ from the rear line of lot 39.01. Submission Waivers approved to permit use of the property as a cemetery (Application is a proposed expansion of the existing Park View Cemetery located at 25 Fostertown Road.) Zone: AR
APPLICATIONS TO BE HEARD: Michael Sweeney, 16 Pendleton Court, Block 5301.15//Lot 8, ZVE-1099 Seeking Bulk Variances to construct an addition of 246.07 sf, lot coverage relief 23.92% existing, up to 25% proposed, 20% permitted. Zone: RGD-1 Linda Yaffa, 27 Montclaire Road, Block 403.01//Lot 26 ZVE-1090 Seeking Bulk Variances to permit sunroom addition (100 sf) to rear of dwelling exceeding rear yard setback 11’ existing, 5’ proposed, 10’ required. Zone: GMN-AR 11. Motion for Adjournment
Medford Cemetery Associates, Inc., 25 Fostertown Road, Block 302//Lots 27, 28 & 39.01 PBC-525 RESOLUTION 2021-27 Approval of Use Variance and granting of Minor Subdivision to subdivide Lot 28 into two lots; Lot B containing 38.362 acres and Lot C containing 40.958 acres. Use Variance approvals to permit a cemetery on Lot B whereby a cemetery is not a permitted use within the AR Zone. A mausoleum building for proposed Lot B was granted Variance relief as there is not street/roadway frontage. Bulk Variances were granted for Lot Frontage 200’ is required, 0’ is provided; Lot Width 200’ is required, 0’ is provided; Lot Depth 300’ is required, 0’ is provided; minimum 75’ front yard buffer for proposed lot B, the northern property line is the front yard, setback 5.5’ from the rear line of lot 39.01. Submission Waivers approved to permit use of the property as a cemetery (Application is a proposed expansion of the existing Park View Cemetery located at 25 Fostertown Road.) Zone: AR
APPLICATIONS TO BE HEARD: Michael Sweeney, 16 Pendleton Court, Block 5301.15//Lot 8, ZVE-1099 Seeking Bulk Variances to construct an addition of 246.07 sf, lot coverage relief 23.92% existing, up to 25% proposed, 20% permitted. Zone: RGD-1 Linda Yaffa, 27 Montclaire Road, Block 403.01//Lot 26 ZVE-1090 Seeking Bulk Variances to permit sunroom addition (100 sf) to rear of dwelling exceeding rear yard setback 11’ existing, 5’ proposed, 10’ required. Zone: GMN-AR 11. Motion for Adjournment