Robert Wagner, 656 Stokes Road, Block: 4801.01, Lot: 24.01, ZVE-1048, Memorialization of a Use Variance to allow a changeable sign to be displayed as a portion of the monument sign in front of Ott’s Restaurant. Zone: CC
Keith & Valerie Meslin, 24 Pendleton Court, Block: 5301.15, Lot: 12, ZVE-1051, Bulk Variance required to construct an in-ground pool with concrete decking (3,722 sf). Lot Coverage 20% required, 21.0% existing, 25.2% proposed. Zone: RGD-1
Robert Wagner, 656 Stokes Road, Block: 4801.01, Lot: 24.01, ZVE-1048, Memorialization of a Use Variance to allow a changeable sign to be displayed as a portion of the monument sign in front of Ott’s Restaurant. Zone: CC
Keith & Valerie Meslin, 24 Pendleton Court, Block: 5301.15, Lot: 12, ZVE-1051, Bulk Variance required to construct an in-ground pool with concrete decking (3,722 sf). Lot Coverage 20% required, 21.0% existing, 25.2% proposed. Zone: RGD-1