4. Minutes April 17, 2019 - Regular Meeting 5. Minutes April 17, 2019 - Executive Session
Nicholaos & Lori Fifis, 6401/49, 36 Macclesfield Drive, ZVE-1039, Resolution #2019-14, Memorialization of a Bulk Variance to construct a rear covered porch & outside grilling area exceeding lot coverage 20.23% existing, 23.25% proposed, 20% permitted; and a design waiver for existing driveway. Resolution #2019-15 Memorialization of Resolution Appointing Robert Kingsbury as Conflict Attorney. Resolution #2019-16 Memorialization of Resolution Appointing Jerry J. Dasti of the firm Dasti, Murphy, McGuckin, Ulaky, Koutsouris, & Connors as Conflict Attorney.
Margaret Reihl, 2701.06/11, 102 Indian Spring Lane, ZVE-1040. Bulk Variance request for existing 120 sf shed in the front yard on a corner lot with two front yards (Tavistock Drive & Indian Spring Lane). Building Coverage 12.85 % existing, 12.85% proposed, 12% permitted; Lot Coverage 39.42% existing, 39.99% proposed, 30% permitted. Design Waiver required for existing horseshoe driveway. Retroactive approval for patio (214 sf) & screened in porch (154 sf). Zone: GD Michael & Louise Irvin, 3804/15, 9 Forest Avenue, ZVE-1041 Bulk Variance request to construct a 442 sf in-ground pool. Building Coverage 19.86 % existing; 19.86% proposed; 12% permitted. Lot Coverage 26.8% existing, 32.7% proposed, 30% permitted. Rear Yard Setback 10’ proposed, 15’ permitted. Zone: GD
4. Minutes April 17, 2019 - Regular Meeting 5. Minutes April 17, 2019 - Executive Session
Nicholaos & Lori Fifis, 6401/49, 36 Macclesfield Drive, ZVE-1039, Resolution #2019-14, Memorialization of a Bulk Variance to construct a rear covered porch & outside grilling area exceeding lot coverage 20.23% existing, 23.25% proposed, 20% permitted; and a design waiver for existing driveway. Resolution #2019-15 Memorialization of Resolution Appointing Robert Kingsbury as Conflict Attorney. Resolution #2019-16 Memorialization of Resolution Appointing Jerry J. Dasti of the firm Dasti, Murphy, McGuckin, Ulaky, Koutsouris, & Connors as Conflict Attorney.
Margaret Reihl, 2701.06/11, 102 Indian Spring Lane, ZVE-1040. Bulk Variance request for existing 120 sf shed in the front yard on a corner lot with two front yards (Tavistock Drive & Indian Spring Lane). Building Coverage 12.85 % existing, 12.85% proposed, 12% permitted; Lot Coverage 39.42% existing, 39.99% proposed, 30% permitted. Design Waiver required for existing horseshoe driveway. Retroactive approval for patio (214 sf) & screened in porch (154 sf). Zone: GD Michael & Louise Irvin, 3804/15, 9 Forest Avenue, ZVE-1041 Bulk Variance request to construct a 442 sf in-ground pool. Building Coverage 19.86 % existing; 19.86% proposed; 12% permitted. Lot Coverage 26.8% existing, 32.7% proposed, 30% permitted. Rear Yard Setback 10’ proposed, 15’ permitted. Zone: GD