Applications To Be Heard (Part 1 of 2)
APPLICATIONS TO BE HEARD Cornerstone Tree Co., 203/7.01 & 7.06, 265 Medford-Mt. Holly Road, SPR-5736 Applicant seeks Certificate of Nonconformity and Use Variance to permit tree service contractor to use lot 7.06 for a stand selling firewood. Zone: AR
MEMORIALIZATIONS Jack Malady, 3313/2, 143 Taunton Blvd., SPR-5742 Memorialization of Bulk Variances for demolition of existing dwelling, detached garage, and construction of new dwelling requiring a side yard setback and lot coverage variances. Zone: RS-2
Applications To Be Heard (Part 2 of 2)
APPLICATIONS TO BE HEARD 17-19 Branch Street, LLC, 1402/4, 17-19 Branch St., PBC-516- (Continued from September 20, 2017 meeting) Density and bulk variance for the construction of 4 patio home units. *Variance to permit 7.98 dwelling units per acre where 3.99 dwelling units per acre exists and 1.25 and up to 2.25 dwelling units per acre is permitted. *Variance to permit tract area of 0.501 acres where 0.501 acres exists and 10 acres is required. *Variance to permit front yard setback of 14.1 feet where 20 feet required (proposed lot 4.01) *Variance to permit front yard setback of 17 feet where 20 feet required (proposed lot 4.04) Zone: RHO
10. Additional Action by Board - Presentation by Christopher Noll, Board Engineer 12. Motion for Adjournment
Applications To Be Heard (Part 1 of 2)
APPLICATIONS TO BE HEARD Cornerstone Tree Co., 203/7.01 & 7.06, 265 Medford-Mt. Holly Road, SPR-5736 Applicant seeks Certificate of Nonconformity and Use Variance to permit tree service contractor to use lot 7.06 for a stand selling firewood. Zone: AR
MEMORIALIZATIONS Jack Malady, 3313/2, 143 Taunton Blvd., SPR-5742 Memorialization of Bulk Variances for demolition of existing dwelling, detached garage, and construction of new dwelling requiring a side yard setback and lot coverage variances. Zone: RS-2
Applications To Be Heard (Part 2 of 2)
APPLICATIONS TO BE HEARD 17-19 Branch Street, LLC, 1402/4, 17-19 Branch St., PBC-516- (Continued from September 20, 2017 meeting) Density and bulk variance for the construction of 4 patio home units. *Variance to permit 7.98 dwelling units per acre where 3.99 dwelling units per acre exists and 1.25 and up to 2.25 dwelling units per acre is permitted. *Variance to permit tract area of 0.501 acres where 0.501 acres exists and 10 acres is required. *Variance to permit front yard setback of 14.1 feet where 20 feet required (proposed lot 4.01) *Variance to permit front yard setback of 17 feet where 20 feet required (proposed lot 4.04) Zone: RHO
10. Additional Action by Board - Presentation by Christopher Noll, Board Engineer 12. Motion for Adjournment