Correspondence- Saint Anthony Coptic Church Request for Extension of Approval (Original Resolution 39 - 2016)
Benjamin Claggett, 3403/1, 210 E. Lake Blvd., ZVE-998 Memorialization of Bulk Variance for the construction of an addition (465 S/F) & a side porch roof (56 S/F). Variance to permit 12.98% building coverage where 12% is required. Variances for side yard setback may also be required. Zone: GD
Jack Malady, 3313/2, 143 Taunton Blvd., SPR-5742 Applicant is requesting Bulk Variances for demolition of existing dwelling and construction of new dwelling requiring a side yard setback variance (30’ Required/Proposing 19.5’;Existing 13.5’), and a lot coverage variance (30% required/proposing 35.1 %; Existing 41.1 %) Zone: GD 17-19 Branch Street, LLC, 1402/4, 17-19 Branch St., PBC-516 Density and Bulk Variances for the construction of four (4) patio homes. *Variance to permit 7.98 dwelling units per acre where 3.99 dwelling units per acre exists and 2.25 dwelling units per acre is permitted. *Variance to permit tract area of 0.501 acres where 0.501 acres exists and 10 acres is required. *Variance to permit front yard setback of 14.1 feet where 20 feet required (proposed lot 4.01) *Variance to permit front yard setback of 17 feet where 20 feet required (proposed lot 4.04) Zone: RHO
Correspondence- Saint Anthony Coptic Church Request for Extension of Approval (Original Resolution 39 - 2016)
Benjamin Claggett, 3403/1, 210 E. Lake Blvd., ZVE-998 Memorialization of Bulk Variance for the construction of an addition (465 S/F) & a side porch roof (56 S/F). Variance to permit 12.98% building coverage where 12% is required. Variances for side yard setback may also be required. Zone: GD
Jack Malady, 3313/2, 143 Taunton Blvd., SPR-5742 Applicant is requesting Bulk Variances for demolition of existing dwelling and construction of new dwelling requiring a side yard setback variance (30’ Required/Proposing 19.5’;Existing 13.5’), and a lot coverage variance (30% required/proposing 35.1 %; Existing 41.1 %) Zone: GD 17-19 Branch Street, LLC, 1402/4, 17-19 Branch St., PBC-516 Density and Bulk Variances for the construction of four (4) patio homes. *Variance to permit 7.98 dwelling units per acre where 3.99 dwelling units per acre exists and 2.25 dwelling units per acre is permitted. *Variance to permit tract area of 0.501 acres where 0.501 acres exists and 10 acres is required. *Variance to permit front yard setback of 14.1 feet where 20 feet required (proposed lot 4.01) *Variance to permit front yard setback of 17 feet where 20 feet required (proposed lot 4.04) Zone: RHO