James Kamerdze, 1804/1, 68 Branch Street, ZVE-981. Memorialization of a Bulk Variance (with conditions) granting five (5) existing accessory structures where only one (1) is permitted; for exceeding the permitted 168 sf; for not meeting the required accessory structure setback of 10’ and the required shed setback of 5’; for exceeding the permitted lot coverage of 50%, existing approximately 54%. Zone: HVR Daniel Zeoli, 3104/4, 5 North Lakeside Drive West, ZVE-982. Memorialization of a Bulk Variance granting two (2) driveway cuts creating a horseshoe driveway which does not meet the driveway setback, side yard setback, the minimum separation between the two legs of the driveway; for a 10’x12’ shed which does not meet the 15’ side yard requirement, proposing 0.5’; for rear yard wetlands setback requirement of 50’; for permitted building coverage of 12%, proposing 13.75%; for permitted lot coverage of 30%, proposing 35.5%. Zone: GD Medford Equities, LLC, 4106/2, 513 Stokes Road, ZVE-983. Memorialization of a Bulk Variance (with conditions) granting signs which exceed the permitted size, height, and number of permitted signs. Zone: CC Sherwood Forest HOA, 2703.06/1, Lake on Robin Hood Drive, ZVE-984. Memorialization of a Bulk Variance (with conditions requiring additional Municipal approvals) granting an existing 16’x20’ (320 sf) pavilion which exceeds the permitted 168 sf for an accessory structure, and not meeting the required setbacks. Zone: GD
Joseph F. Demarco, 5301.15/16, 4 Justus Court, ZVE-987. Bulk Variance for a 16’x22’ (352 sf) pool house which exceeds the 168 sf permitted for accessory structures and exceeds the permitted fifteen foot (15’) height requirement, proposing 18’ (including cupola). Zone: RGD-1
9. General public 10 Additional action by Board 11. Executive Session (if required) 12. Motion for Adjournment
James Kamerdze, 1804/1, 68 Branch Street, ZVE-981. Memorialization of a Bulk Variance (with conditions) granting five (5) existing accessory structures where only one (1) is permitted; for exceeding the permitted 168 sf; for not meeting the required accessory structure setback of 10’ and the required shed setback of 5’; for exceeding the permitted lot coverage of 50%, existing approximately 54%. Zone: HVR Daniel Zeoli, 3104/4, 5 North Lakeside Drive West, ZVE-982. Memorialization of a Bulk Variance granting two (2) driveway cuts creating a horseshoe driveway which does not meet the driveway setback, side yard setback, the minimum separation between the two legs of the driveway; for a 10’x12’ shed which does not meet the 15’ side yard requirement, proposing 0.5’; for rear yard wetlands setback requirement of 50’; for permitted building coverage of 12%, proposing 13.75%; for permitted lot coverage of 30%, proposing 35.5%. Zone: GD Medford Equities, LLC, 4106/2, 513 Stokes Road, ZVE-983. Memorialization of a Bulk Variance (with conditions) granting signs which exceed the permitted size, height, and number of permitted signs. Zone: CC Sherwood Forest HOA, 2703.06/1, Lake on Robin Hood Drive, ZVE-984. Memorialization of a Bulk Variance (with conditions requiring additional Municipal approvals) granting an existing 16’x20’ (320 sf) pavilion which exceeds the permitted 168 sf for an accessory structure, and not meeting the required setbacks. Zone: GD
Joseph F. Demarco, 5301.15/16, 4 Justus Court, ZVE-987. Bulk Variance for a 16’x22’ (352 sf) pool house which exceeds the 168 sf permitted for accessory structures and exceeds the permitted fifteen foot (15’) height requirement, proposing 18’ (including cupola). Zone: RGD-1
9. General public 10 Additional action by Board 11. Executive Session (if required) 12. Motion for Adjournment