Jackie Sweet, 1303/2, 8 Charles Street, ZVE-980. Memorialization of an Amended Bulk Variance granting a 32’Wx30’Dx19’H (960 sf) detached garage in rear yard which does not meet the required side and rear yard setback of 30’; for exceeding the permitted depth of 24’, proposing 30’; for two garages where only one garage is permitted per residential dwelling and exceeding the number of accessory structures. Zone: HC-2
James Kamerdze, 1804/1, 68 Branch Street, ZVE-981. Bulk Variance for six existing accessory structures where only one (1) is permitted; for exceeding the permitted 168 sf, existing one 192 sf frame building with the total size of existing accessory structures 936 sf; for not meeting the required accessory structure setback of 10’ and the required shed setback of 5’; for exceeding the permitted lot coverage of 50%, existing approximately 54%. Zone: HVR Daniel Zeoli, 3104/4, 5 North Lakeside Drive West, ZVE-982. Bulk Variance for two (2) driveway cuts creating a horseshoe driveway which does not meet the driveway setback, side yard setback, the minimum separation between the two legs of the driveway; for a 10’x16’ shed which does not meet the 15’ side yard requirement, proposing 0.5’; for rear yard wetlands setback requirement of 50’, proposing 35’; for permitted lot coverage of 30%, proposing 33.5%. Zone:GD Medford Equities, LLC, 4106/2, 513 Stokes Road, ZVE-983. Bulk Variance for signs, exceeding the permitted size, height, and number of permitted signs. Zone: CC Sherwood Forest HOA, 2703.06/1, Lake on Robin Hood Drive, ZVE-984. Bulk Variance for an existing 16’x20’ (320 sf) pavilion which exceeds the permitted 168 sf for an accessory structure, and not meeting the required setbacks. Zone: GD
8. General public 9. Additional action by Board 10. Executive Session (if required) 11. Motion for Adjournment
Jackie Sweet, 1303/2, 8 Charles Street, ZVE-980. Memorialization of an Amended Bulk Variance granting a 32’Wx30’Dx19’H (960 sf) detached garage in rear yard which does not meet the required side and rear yard setback of 30’; for exceeding the permitted depth of 24’, proposing 30’; for two garages where only one garage is permitted per residential dwelling and exceeding the number of accessory structures. Zone: HC-2
James Kamerdze, 1804/1, 68 Branch Street, ZVE-981. Bulk Variance for six existing accessory structures where only one (1) is permitted; for exceeding the permitted 168 sf, existing one 192 sf frame building with the total size of existing accessory structures 936 sf; for not meeting the required accessory structure setback of 10’ and the required shed setback of 5’; for exceeding the permitted lot coverage of 50%, existing approximately 54%. Zone: HVR Daniel Zeoli, 3104/4, 5 North Lakeside Drive West, ZVE-982. Bulk Variance for two (2) driveway cuts creating a horseshoe driveway which does not meet the driveway setback, side yard setback, the minimum separation between the two legs of the driveway; for a 10’x16’ shed which does not meet the 15’ side yard requirement, proposing 0.5’; for rear yard wetlands setback requirement of 50’, proposing 35’; for permitted lot coverage of 30%, proposing 33.5%. Zone:GD Medford Equities, LLC, 4106/2, 513 Stokes Road, ZVE-983. Bulk Variance for signs, exceeding the permitted size, height, and number of permitted signs. Zone: CC Sherwood Forest HOA, 2703.06/1, Lake on Robin Hood Drive, ZVE-984. Bulk Variance for an existing 16’x20’ (320 sf) pavilion which exceeds the permitted 168 sf for an accessory structure, and not meeting the required setbacks. Zone: GD
8. General public 9. Additional action by Board 10. Executive Session (if required) 11. Motion for Adjournment