Minutes: January 26, 2022 Regular Planning Board Minutes January 26, 2022 Executive Session Minutes
8. Memorializations: a. Village of Taunton Forge, 3201/32.03 -C0001, 200 Tuckerton Road, SPR-56712F0 Memorialization of resolution #6-2022 approving Final Major Site Plan and Amended Preliminary/Final Phasing Plan. b. Atlantic States Group, Inc., 909/6, 338 Stokes Road, SPR-5714EXT2 (1/26/22) Memorialization of resolution #7-2022 approving an additional 1-year extension of approval. 12. Adjournment
Minutes: January 26, 2022 Regular Planning Board Minutes January 26, 2022 Executive Session Minutes
8. Memorializations: a. Village of Taunton Forge, 3201/32.03 -C0001, 200 Tuckerton Road, SPR-56712F0 Memorialization of resolution #6-2022 approving Final Major Site Plan and Amended Preliminary/Final Phasing Plan. b. Atlantic States Group, Inc., 909/6, 338 Stokes Road, SPR-5714EXT2 (1/26/22) Memorialization of resolution #7-2022 approving an additional 1-year extension of approval. 12. Adjournment