Minutes: January 22, 2020 Regular Planning Board Minutes January 22, 2020 Executive Session Planning Board Minutes 1 & 2
Reports: Insufficient escrow balances over 6 months a. Devel L.C., Easttown Phase 1-2, PBC-1320AF1, $8734.31 b. Albert Case, Shirley’s Country Cottage, 5358PR, $308.33 c. Pagliuso Custom Builders, SPR-5587, $2300.04 d. Justin Barbera, ZVE-855, $40.50 e. Krista Donegan, ZVE-882, $103.25
Memorialization: a. Medford Associates, 2701.01/7.01 & 7.02, 28 Golfview Dr & 108 Himmelein Rd, PBC-521 Memorialization of resolution approving Minor Subdivision and bulk variance for a lot line correction to reconcile overlapping deeds. b. 1-2019 appointing Planning Board Attorney c. 2-2019 appointing Planning Board Engineer d. 3-2019 appointing Planning Board Planner e. 6-2019 appointing Planning Board Conflict Attorney f. 7-2019 appointing Planning Board Conflict Planner
9. Applications/Official Actions: a. Township of Medford-Amendment of Sign Ordinance Township Council has referred Ordinance 2020-6, amending section 526 of the Medford Township Land Development Code entitled “Signs”, to the Planning Board for a review, pursuant to N.J.S. 40:55D-62(a), to determine if the provisions of the amending ordinance are "substantially consistent" with the land use plan element of the Medford Township Master Plan. 12. Adjournment
Minutes: January 22, 2020 Regular Planning Board Minutes January 22, 2020 Executive Session Planning Board Minutes 1 & 2
Reports: Insufficient escrow balances over 6 months a. Devel L.C., Easttown Phase 1-2, PBC-1320AF1, $8734.31 b. Albert Case, Shirley’s Country Cottage, 5358PR, $308.33 c. Pagliuso Custom Builders, SPR-5587, $2300.04 d. Justin Barbera, ZVE-855, $40.50 e. Krista Donegan, ZVE-882, $103.25
Memorialization: a. Medford Associates, 2701.01/7.01 & 7.02, 28 Golfview Dr & 108 Himmelein Rd, PBC-521 Memorialization of resolution approving Minor Subdivision and bulk variance for a lot line correction to reconcile overlapping deeds. b. 1-2019 appointing Planning Board Attorney c. 2-2019 appointing Planning Board Engineer d. 3-2019 appointing Planning Board Planner e. 6-2019 appointing Planning Board Conflict Attorney f. 7-2019 appointing Planning Board Conflict Planner
9. Applications/Official Actions: a. Township of Medford-Amendment of Sign Ordinance Township Council has referred Ordinance 2020-6, amending section 526 of the Medford Township Land Development Code entitled “Signs”, to the Planning Board for a review, pursuant to N.J.S. 40:55D-62(a), to determine if the provisions of the amending ordinance are "substantially consistent" with the land use plan element of the Medford Township Master Plan. 12. Adjournment