1. Flag Salute 2. Open Public Meeting Statement 3. Swearing in of New Planning Board Member: Dawn Bielec 4. Roll Call 5. Executive Session 6. Minutes 7. Workshops/ Subcommittees 8. Correspondence 9. Reports: 10. Memorialization of Resolutions: None
Application/Official Actions: Alexander M. Churchill, Block 803, Lots 8.04 and 8.07, 45 New Freedom Road, PBC-1353F. Final Major Subdivision. GMN District
1. Flag Salute 2. Open Public Meeting Statement 3. Swearing in of New Planning Board Member: Dawn Bielec 4. Roll Call 5. Executive Session 6. Minutes 7. Workshops/ Subcommittees 8. Correspondence 9. Reports: 10. Memorialization of Resolutions: None
Application/Official Actions: Alexander M. Churchill, Block 803, Lots 8.04 and 8.07, 45 New Freedom Road, PBC-1353F. Final Major Subdivision. GMN District