9. Memorialization of Resolutions A. Alexander Churchill, Block 803, Lots 8.04 & 8.07, 45 New Freedom Road, PBC-1353. Preliminary Major Subdivision with Submission Waivers and Bulk Variance. GMN District B. Steve Heicklen, LLC, (Jersey Pools) Block 4802, Lots 10 (owner Steve Heicklen) and 6.02 (owner Gary Gardner) 683 Stokes Road, SPR-5696. Requesting Minor Site Plan and lot consolidation with proposal to replace 3 existing sheds of approximately 1,278 sf with one large 4,580 sf accessory structure. CC District C. Referral of Ordinance 2015-12 from Township Council – An Ordinance Establishing Chapter 86 “Standards for Keeping Chickens.” 10. Application/Official Actions: None 11. Workshop Issues 12. General Public 13. Adjournment B. Steve Heicklen, LLC, (Jersey Pools) Block 4802, Lots 10 (owner Steve Heicklen) and 6.02 (owner Gary Gardner) 683 Stokes Road, SPR-5696. Requesting Minor Site Plan and lot consolidation with proposal to replace 3 existing sheds of approximately 1,278 sf with one large 4,580 sf accessory structure. CC District C. Referral of Ordinance 2015-12 from Township Council – An Ordinance Establishing Chapter 86 “Standards for Keeping Chickens
9. Memorialization of Resolutions A. Alexander Churchill, Block 803, Lots 8.04 & 8.07, 45 New Freedom Road, PBC-1353. Preliminary Major Subdivision with Submission Waivers and Bulk Variance. GMN District B. Steve Heicklen, LLC, (Jersey Pools) Block 4802, Lots 10 (owner Steve Heicklen) and 6.02 (owner Gary Gardner) 683 Stokes Road, SPR-5696. Requesting Minor Site Plan and lot consolidation with proposal to replace 3 existing sheds of approximately 1,278 sf with one large 4,580 sf accessory structure. CC District C. Referral of Ordinance 2015-12 from Township Council – An Ordinance Establishing Chapter 86 “Standards for Keeping Chickens.” 10. Application/Official Actions: None 11. Workshop Issues 12. General Public 13. Adjournment B. Steve Heicklen, LLC, (Jersey Pools) Block 4802, Lots 10 (owner Steve Heicklen) and 6.02 (owner Gary Gardner) 683 Stokes Road, SPR-5696. Requesting Minor Site Plan and lot consolidation with proposal to replace 3 existing sheds of approximately 1,278 sf with one large 4,580 sf accessory structure. CC District C. Referral of Ordinance 2015-12 from Township Council – An Ordinance Establishing Chapter 86 “Standards for Keeping Chickens