I. PUBLIC MEETINGS STATEMENT “Notice of this meeting has been provided in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act” by: 1. Posting a copy of the agenda on the bulletin board at the Municipal Building and on the Township website. 2. Filing a copy of the agenda in the office of the Township Clerk at the Municipal Building. 3. Forwarding a copy of the agenda to the Burlington County Times and The Central Record. 4. Forwarding written notice to each person who has requested copies of the regular meeting schedule. All of the above posting, filing and mailing have taken place on the 11th day of December, 2020. PLEASE NOTE: This Meeting is being conducted during the current National Emergency with remote participation in accordance with guidance provided by the New Jersey Division of Local Government Services, Department of Community Affairs, as set forth in the Public Notice of this Meeting. II. FLAG SALUTE III. ROLL CALL
Communications, Scheduling Matters, Council Agenda, Presentations and Any Amendments to the Agenda 1. Special Presentation 2. Communications 3. Scheduling Items a) January 5, 2021 Reorganization Meeting at the Public Safety Building – 7:00 PM b) January 5, 2021 Regular Council Meeting at the Public Safety Building - 7:00 PM – after Reorganization Meeting
APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. June 3, 2014 Executive Minutes for Public Release, Second & Final Release 2. February 3, 2015 Executive Minutes for Public Release, Fifth & Final Release 3. July 8, 2020 Executive Minutes for Public Release, Second Release 4. July 21, 2020 Executive Minutes for Public Release, Second & Final Release 5. October 6, 2020 Executive Minutes for Public Release, Second & Final Release 6. November 17, 2020 Executive Minutes for Public Release, Second Release 7. December 1, 2020 Council Meeting Minutes 8. December 1, 2020 Executive Session Minutes 9. December 1, 2020 Executive Minutes for Public Release
ORDINANCES FOR SECOND READING/PUBLIC HEARING(S) - 1. Ordinance 2020-23 – “An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 2020-21 and Readopting the Redevelopment Plan for the Taunton and Tuckerton Rehabilitation Area, Being Block 3201, Lots 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32.03, and 39; Block 3307.02, Lots 9, 10, and 11; Block 3202.01, Lots 1.01, and 1.06; Block 2907, Lots 1, 25.01, 26, 25.02, 12.01, 12.02, 13.01, and 13.02; Block 2702.01, Lots 12.03, 12.01, 12.02, 12.04, 8, 7, 6, 5 and 11 to Incorporate Revisions Required by the New Jersey Pinelands Commission”
CONSENT AGENDA RESOLUTIONS 1. Resolution 197-2020 – “Appointments to the Planning Board” 2. Resolution 198-2020 – “Appointments to the Zoning Board of Adjustment” 3. Resolution 199-2020 – “Appointments to the Economic Development Commission” 4. Resolution 200-2020 – “Appointments to the Environmental Affairs Advisory Committee” 5. Resolution 201-2020 – “Appointments to the Neighborhood Services Advisory Committee” 6. Resolution 202-2020 – “Appointments to the Green Team Advisory Committee” 7. Resolution 203-2020 – “Authorization for the Township of Medford to Apply for and Accept a Subgrant Award of the Federal Fiscal Year 2020of Department of Homeland Security, Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program Funding and for the Township Chief Financial Officer to Amend the Budget and Certify the Availability of Funds” 8. Resolution 204-2020 – “Resolution to Cancel Outstanding Checks” 9. Resolution 205-2020 – “Approving Request for Final Release of Performance Guarantee for Hartford Square Solar, LLC, Block 401/Lot 14.02, SPR-5722” 10. Resolution 206-2020 – “Amending the Township of Medford 2020 Year Municipal Budget by the Insertion of a Special Item of Revenue and Appropriation from South Jersey Gas for the First Responders Grant Program” 11. Resolution 207-2020 – “Resolution for Member Participation in a Cooperative Pricing System – A Resolution Authorizing the Township of Medford to Enter into a Cooperative Pricing Agreement with the County of Burlington” 12. Resolution 208-2020 – “Resolution Authorizing Medford Township to Apply for Funding Under the FY 2021 Community Development Block Grant Program” 13. Resolution 209-2020 – “Resolution Authorizing and Establishing Lien for Expenses Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:48-2.5 with Respect to Property at 15 Muirfield” 14. Resolution 210-2020 – “Authorizing Adjustment of 2020 Property Tax Exempt Veteran, Block: 2503, Lot: 8 – 7 Georgia Trail” 15. Resolution 211-2020 – Authorizing Waiver of Sewer and Water Connection Fees for One Home on Block 401, Lot 11, Evesboro-Medford Road, Medford Township, in Consideration of the Granting of a Utility Easement” 16. Resolution 212-2020 - Authorizing Waiver of Sewer and Water Connection Fees for One Home on Block 401, Lot 12, Evesboro-Medford Road, Medford Township, in Consideration of the Granting of a Utility Easement” 17. Resolution 213-2020 – “Authorizing Adjustment of 2020 Property Tax Exempt Veteran and Refund Block: 404.33 Lot 18 – 79 Langport Drive” 18. Resolution 214-2020 – “A Resolution of the Township of Medford, in the County of Burlington, State of New Jersey, Authorizing the Purchase of One (1) 2022 Pierce Pumper Tanker Through the Houston-Galveston Area Council Cooperative Purchase Program” (These are items that are enacted by one motion with no separate discussion of each item. An item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed separately at the request of any Council Member)
XIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION Resolution ES 12 15 2020 a) Matters Relating to Litigation, Negotiations and the Attorney-Client Privilege: Redevelopment [10:4-12b.(7)] b) Matters Relating to Litigation, Negotiations and the Attorney-Client Privilege: Burlington County Library [10:4-12b.(7)] c) Matters Relating to the Employment Relationship: Governing Body Appointments & Boards and Committees [10:4-12b.(8)] d) Matters Relating to Litigation, Negotiations and the Attorney-Client Privilege: Open Space Encroachment [10:4-12b.(7)] e) Matters Relating to Litigation, Negotiations and the Attorney-Client Privilege: MYAA MOU [10:4-12b.(7)] f) Matters Relating to Litigation, Negotiations and the Attorney-Client Privilege: Block 5102.01, Lot 2 Dam [10:4-12b.(7)] XIV. ADJOURNMENT
I. PUBLIC MEETINGS STATEMENT “Notice of this meeting has been provided in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act” by: 1. Posting a copy of the agenda on the bulletin board at the Municipal Building and on the Township website. 2. Filing a copy of the agenda in the office of the Township Clerk at the Municipal Building. 3. Forwarding a copy of the agenda to the Burlington County Times and The Central Record. 4. Forwarding written notice to each person who has requested copies of the regular meeting schedule. All of the above posting, filing and mailing have taken place on the 11th day of December, 2020. PLEASE NOTE: This Meeting is being conducted during the current National Emergency with remote participation in accordance with guidance provided by the New Jersey Division of Local Government Services, Department of Community Affairs, as set forth in the Public Notice of this Meeting. II. FLAG SALUTE III. ROLL CALL
Communications, Scheduling Matters, Council Agenda, Presentations and Any Amendments to the Agenda 1. Special Presentation 2. Communications 3. Scheduling Items a) January 5, 2021 Reorganization Meeting at the Public Safety Building – 7:00 PM b) January 5, 2021 Regular Council Meeting at the Public Safety Building - 7:00 PM – after Reorganization Meeting
APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. June 3, 2014 Executive Minutes for Public Release, Second & Final Release 2. February 3, 2015 Executive Minutes for Public Release, Fifth & Final Release 3. July 8, 2020 Executive Minutes for Public Release, Second Release 4. July 21, 2020 Executive Minutes for Public Release, Second & Final Release 5. October 6, 2020 Executive Minutes for Public Release, Second & Final Release 6. November 17, 2020 Executive Minutes for Public Release, Second Release 7. December 1, 2020 Council Meeting Minutes 8. December 1, 2020 Executive Session Minutes 9. December 1, 2020 Executive Minutes for Public Release
ORDINANCES FOR SECOND READING/PUBLIC HEARING(S) - 1. Ordinance 2020-23 – “An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 2020-21 and Readopting the Redevelopment Plan for the Taunton and Tuckerton Rehabilitation Area, Being Block 3201, Lots 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32.03, and 39; Block 3307.02, Lots 9, 10, and 11; Block 3202.01, Lots 1.01, and 1.06; Block 2907, Lots 1, 25.01, 26, 25.02, 12.01, 12.02, 13.01, and 13.02; Block 2702.01, Lots 12.03, 12.01, 12.02, 12.04, 8, 7, 6, 5 and 11 to Incorporate Revisions Required by the New Jersey Pinelands Commission”
CONSENT AGENDA RESOLUTIONS 1. Resolution 197-2020 – “Appointments to the Planning Board” 2. Resolution 198-2020 – “Appointments to the Zoning Board of Adjustment” 3. Resolution 199-2020 – “Appointments to the Economic Development Commission” 4. Resolution 200-2020 – “Appointments to the Environmental Affairs Advisory Committee” 5. Resolution 201-2020 – “Appointments to the Neighborhood Services Advisory Committee” 6. Resolution 202-2020 – “Appointments to the Green Team Advisory Committee” 7. Resolution 203-2020 – “Authorization for the Township of Medford to Apply for and Accept a Subgrant Award of the Federal Fiscal Year 2020of Department of Homeland Security, Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Program Funding and for the Township Chief Financial Officer to Amend the Budget and Certify the Availability of Funds” 8. Resolution 204-2020 – “Resolution to Cancel Outstanding Checks” 9. Resolution 205-2020 – “Approving Request for Final Release of Performance Guarantee for Hartford Square Solar, LLC, Block 401/Lot 14.02, SPR-5722” 10. Resolution 206-2020 – “Amending the Township of Medford 2020 Year Municipal Budget by the Insertion of a Special Item of Revenue and Appropriation from South Jersey Gas for the First Responders Grant Program” 11. Resolution 207-2020 – “Resolution for Member Participation in a Cooperative Pricing System – A Resolution Authorizing the Township of Medford to Enter into a Cooperative Pricing Agreement with the County of Burlington” 12. Resolution 208-2020 – “Resolution Authorizing Medford Township to Apply for Funding Under the FY 2021 Community Development Block Grant Program” 13. Resolution 209-2020 – “Resolution Authorizing and Establishing Lien for Expenses Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:48-2.5 with Respect to Property at 15 Muirfield” 14. Resolution 210-2020 – “Authorizing Adjustment of 2020 Property Tax Exempt Veteran, Block: 2503, Lot: 8 – 7 Georgia Trail” 15. Resolution 211-2020 – Authorizing Waiver of Sewer and Water Connection Fees for One Home on Block 401, Lot 11, Evesboro-Medford Road, Medford Township, in Consideration of the Granting of a Utility Easement” 16. Resolution 212-2020 - Authorizing Waiver of Sewer and Water Connection Fees for One Home on Block 401, Lot 12, Evesboro-Medford Road, Medford Township, in Consideration of the Granting of a Utility Easement” 17. Resolution 213-2020 – “Authorizing Adjustment of 2020 Property Tax Exempt Veteran and Refund Block: 404.33 Lot 18 – 79 Langport Drive” 18. Resolution 214-2020 – “A Resolution of the Township of Medford, in the County of Burlington, State of New Jersey, Authorizing the Purchase of One (1) 2022 Pierce Pumper Tanker Through the Houston-Galveston Area Council Cooperative Purchase Program” (These are items that are enacted by one motion with no separate discussion of each item. An item may be removed from the Consent Agenda and discussed separately at the request of any Council Member)
XIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION Resolution ES 12 15 2020 a) Matters Relating to Litigation, Negotiations and the Attorney-Client Privilege: Redevelopment [10:4-12b.(7)] b) Matters Relating to Litigation, Negotiations and the Attorney-Client Privilege: Burlington County Library [10:4-12b.(7)] c) Matters Relating to the Employment Relationship: Governing Body Appointments & Boards and Committees [10:4-12b.(8)] d) Matters Relating to Litigation, Negotiations and the Attorney-Client Privilege: Open Space Encroachment [10:4-12b.(7)] e) Matters Relating to Litigation, Negotiations and the Attorney-Client Privilege: MYAA MOU [10:4-12b.(7)] f) Matters Relating to Litigation, Negotiations and the Attorney-Client Privilege: Block 5102.01, Lot 2 Dam [10:4-12b.(7)] XIV. ADJOURNMENT