I. PUBLIC MEETINGS STATEMENT “Notice of this meeting has been provided in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act” by: 1 Posting a copy of the agenda on the bulletin board at the Municipal Building and on the Township website. 2 Filing a copy of the agenda in the office of the Township Clerk at the Municipal Building. 3 Forwarding a copy of the agenda to the Central Record and Burlington County Times. 4 Forwarding written notice to each person who has requested copies of the regular meeting schedule. All of the above posting, filing and mailing have taken place on the 15th day of April, 2016. II. FLAG SALUTE III. ROLL CALL
Communications, Scheduling Matters, Council Agenda, Presentations and Any Amendments to the Agenda 1. Special Presentations a) Proclamation – “Heads Up Eyes Forward” 2. Communications 3. Scheduling Items a) May 3, 2016 Regular Council Meeting at the Public Safety Building – 7:30 PM
APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. April 5, 2016 Council Minutes 2. April 5, 2016 Executive Session Minutes 3. April 5, 2016 Executive Session Minutes for Public Release
MANAGER’S REPORT 1. Approval of Raffle and Bingo License for St. Mary of the Lakes, May 6, 2016 from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM, 196 Route 70, Medford 2. Approval of Raffle License for Orthodox Church of the Holy Cross, May 21, 2016 from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM, 11 Wilkins Station Road, Medford
DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Moving School Board Elections 2. Executive Session Minutes for Public Release
ORDINANCES FOR SECOND READING/PUBLIC HEARING(S) - 1. Ordinance 2016-3 “Amending Chapter 71 Entitled “Fees and Licenses” §71-10”
ORDINANCES FOR FIRST READING – 1. Ordinance 2016-4 – “Vacating and Extinguishing the Public Rights in a Plan of Mimosa Lakes, Section 3, Area “Reserve for Future Road”, County of Burlington, State of New Jersey”
1. Resolution 76-2016 – “Approving Change Order No. 1 Jerry & Sons Excavating Inc., Fairview Road Paving Phase III” 2. Resolution 77-2016 – “Rescinding Resolution 199-2015 Calling Maintenance Guarantee for Jennings Commons/Malvern School SPR5633-F” 4. Resolution 79-2016 – “A Resolution to Read the Medford Township 2016 Year Municipal Budget by Title Only in Accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:4-8” 5. Resolution 80-2016 – “Awarding Contract for Bende Park Improvements – Phase II” 6. Resolution 81-2016 – Awarding Contract for Mimosa Lake Re-Paving Project”
EXECUTIVE SESSION Resolution ES 04 19 2016 a) Matters Relating to Litigation, Negotiations and the Attorney-Client Privilege: Motion for Temporary Immunity (COAH) [10:4-12b.(7)] b) Matters Relating to Purchase, Lease or Acquisition of Real Property or the Investment of Public Funds: Taunton Fire Company Lease [10:4-12b.(5)] c) Matters Relating to Litigation, Negotiations and the Attorney-Client Privilege: Chenier v. Medford [10:4-12b.(7)] d) Matters Relating to Litigation, Negotiations and the Attorney-Client Privilege: State Comptroller [10:4-12b.(7)]
I. PUBLIC MEETINGS STATEMENT “Notice of this meeting has been provided in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act” by: 1 Posting a copy of the agenda on the bulletin board at the Municipal Building and on the Township website. 2 Filing a copy of the agenda in the office of the Township Clerk at the Municipal Building. 3 Forwarding a copy of the agenda to the Central Record and Burlington County Times. 4 Forwarding written notice to each person who has requested copies of the regular meeting schedule. All of the above posting, filing and mailing have taken place on the 15th day of April, 2016. II. FLAG SALUTE III. ROLL CALL
Communications, Scheduling Matters, Council Agenda, Presentations and Any Amendments to the Agenda 1. Special Presentations a) Proclamation – “Heads Up Eyes Forward” 2. Communications 3. Scheduling Items a) May 3, 2016 Regular Council Meeting at the Public Safety Building – 7:30 PM
APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. April 5, 2016 Council Minutes 2. April 5, 2016 Executive Session Minutes 3. April 5, 2016 Executive Session Minutes for Public Release
MANAGER’S REPORT 1. Approval of Raffle and Bingo License for St. Mary of the Lakes, May 6, 2016 from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM, 196 Route 70, Medford 2. Approval of Raffle License for Orthodox Church of the Holy Cross, May 21, 2016 from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM, 11 Wilkins Station Road, Medford
DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Moving School Board Elections 2. Executive Session Minutes for Public Release
ORDINANCES FOR SECOND READING/PUBLIC HEARING(S) - 1. Ordinance 2016-3 “Amending Chapter 71 Entitled “Fees and Licenses” §71-10”
ORDINANCES FOR FIRST READING – 1. Ordinance 2016-4 – “Vacating and Extinguishing the Public Rights in a Plan of Mimosa Lakes, Section 3, Area “Reserve for Future Road”, County of Burlington, State of New Jersey”
1. Resolution 76-2016 – “Approving Change Order No. 1 Jerry & Sons Excavating Inc., Fairview Road Paving Phase III” 2. Resolution 77-2016 – “Rescinding Resolution 199-2015 Calling Maintenance Guarantee for Jennings Commons/Malvern School SPR5633-F” 4. Resolution 79-2016 – “A Resolution to Read the Medford Township 2016 Year Municipal Budget by Title Only in Accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:4-8” 5. Resolution 80-2016 – “Awarding Contract for Bende Park Improvements – Phase II” 6. Resolution 81-2016 – Awarding Contract for Mimosa Lake Re-Paving Project”
EXECUTIVE SESSION Resolution ES 04 19 2016 a) Matters Relating to Litigation, Negotiations and the Attorney-Client Privilege: Motion for Temporary Immunity (COAH) [10:4-12b.(7)] b) Matters Relating to Purchase, Lease or Acquisition of Real Property or the Investment of Public Funds: Taunton Fire Company Lease [10:4-12b.(5)] c) Matters Relating to Litigation, Negotiations and the Attorney-Client Privilege: Chenier v. Medford [10:4-12b.(7)] d) Matters Relating to Litigation, Negotiations and the Attorney-Client Privilege: State Comptroller [10:4-12b.(7)]